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digit span

the number of random digits from a series that a person can recall following a single auditory presentation. A span of 5 to 9 digits (see seven plus or minus two) is considered typical for an adult.

Digit Span

an attentional subtest in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale that assesses the ability of an individual to repeat a series of digits of increasing length. Digit Span Forward assesses the number of digits an individual is able to repeat immediately following their presentation, in the exact order they were presented. Digit Span Backward assesses the number of digits an individual is able to repeat immediately following their presentation, but in reverse order. The former is regarded as a measure of immediate memory; the latter provides a measure of working memory.

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Psychology term of the day

April 18th 2024

landscaped office

landscaped office

a modification of the open-office design in which emphasis is given to the interaction of people, such that the arrangement of work spaces is based on patterns of communication and facilitation of work flow. Landscaped offices typically place supervisors near workers and group people who communicate regularly with one another to perform their job duties in the same or adjacent spaces. Portable screens or partitions and other movable items, such as planters or cabinets, are used to separate areas and divide them into a variety of different yet easily accessible work spaces.